Selam Alejkum to all true Muslim brothers and sisters,It is sad, that today you don’t know who is who-Only someone who is proved that when he speaks he is coming with proofs from the Koran and the hadith-Sahih can talk in the name of all Muslims when talking in public, and he or she has to have atleast "good" knowledge in Islam,that he attended knowledge at a proven Islamic academy atleast that he or she is proved himself or herself of a good conduct among those he surrounds!, but nowadays this is being totally ignored, and therefore we have people who speak in our name and hijack Islam and the Muslims with twisted hadiths and texts from the Koran. Most of the time this happens by some individuals who present themselves as new converts in Islam that are more and more starting to take things in their hands in Muslim agenda,Unfortunately.But what is more unfortunate is the fact that Muslims ignore when they see some new convert who takes a hadith out of context or even take an ayah from the Koran out of context,these facts either confuse the listeners by thinking that the lies these people spread come from the ignorance of these individuals because of the fact that they are new in Islam so most of us rather think they are not well informed, this is why no one then accuses them of doing this in purpose, and so we are not suspecting they are purposely hurting Islam and the Muslims.–So I call every Muslim who loves Islam and the Muslim agenda that we convey these people a simple message. a joint message coming from all Muslims not only from an single individual. My message is simple: I say STOP hijacking Islam!!!!!!!, I am telling you this as a warning, because I swear By Allah,that , if you are not scared of the day of judgment when witnesses come forward then you should be scared of what is very near, more near then the arteries in your necks.
Selam Alejkum to all true Muslim brothers and sisters,It is sad, that today you don’t know who is who-Only someone who is proved that when he speaks he is coming with proofs from the Koran and the hadith-Sahih can talk in the name of all Muslims when talking in public, and he or she has to have atleast "good" knowledge in Islam,that he attended knowledge at a proven Islamic academy atleast that he or she is proved himself or herself of a good conduct among those he surrounds!, but nowadays this is being totally ignored, and therefore we have people who speak in our name and hijack Islam and the Muslims with twisted hadiths and texts from the Koran. Most of the time this happens by some individuals who present themselves as new converts in Islam that are more and more starting to take things in their hands in Muslim agenda,Unfortunately.But what is more unfortunate is the fact that Muslims ignore when they see some new convert who takes a hadith out of context or even take an ayah from the Koran out of context,these facts either confuse the listeners by thinking that the lies these people spread come from the ignorance of these individuals because of the fact that they are new in Islam so most of us rather think they are not well informed, this is why no one then accuses them of doing this in purpose, and so we are not suspecting they are purposely hurting Islam and the Muslims.–So I call every Muslim who loves Islam and the Muslim agenda that we convey these people a simple message. a joint message coming from all Muslims not only from an single individual. My message is simple: I say STOP hijacking Islam!!!!!!!, I am telling you this as a warning, because I swear By Allah,that , if you are not scared of the day of judgment when witnesses come forward then you should be scared of what is very near, more near then the arteries in your necks.
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