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Thursday, November 6, 2008


The first thing that one should know and clearly understand about Islam is what the word Islam itself means. The religion of Islam is not named after a person, or a place, a tribe, a mountain or a river. Nor is the name just another –ism among the many that exist in the world today. The Arabic word Islam means the submission or surrender of one's will to the only true god worthy of worship, Allah (God in Arabic). A Muslim is the one who submits or surrenders his will to Allah. Hence, it was not a new religion brought by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Arabia in the seventh century, but only the true religion of God re-expressed in its final form.

Basic pillars of faith in Islam
Purpose of Creation
Islam = Submission to the will of God
Universal appeal of a comprehensive religion
Islam! - The Modern Alternative
Islam vs Terrorism
Why should I embrace Islam?
Complete trust in God's decision
I am a muslim - A poem
The peril of heedlessness
Sincerity: A sign of a true believer
A Brief Introduction to Islam
United Colors of Islam
Tests from Allah
Hadith & its Importance
How to deal with peer pressure
Hajj - The experience of a lifetime
Islam and Freedom of Thought
How does one become a Muslim?
A complete code of life
Is the Religion True or False?
On Religious Tolerance
Unique Features of Islam
Hajj: The Journey of a lifetime
Step by Step rituals of Umrah & Hajj
Islam - The Cure for Racism
The True Spirit of Qurbani (Sacrifice)
Messengers: God's Communication Channel
Human Rights and Justice in Islam
Patience : A virtue of the Righteous
Invitation to Islam
Can Islam be changed?
Polygamy in Islam
Ways to bring about the Love of Allah
Salaatul-Istikharah (Prayer For Seeking Guidance From Allah)
Reason, and not external rites, guides life in Islam.
A Ramadan visit to the two Holy Masjids.


This is the right time to know Muhammad PBUH

حــــــان الوقت لتتعرف على محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
This is the right time to know Muhammad (PBUH)


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